Release Notes
Known Problems
- There are issues with XHTML compliance (lists are not exactly to spec.)
- Linking from a versioned document to a different document of the same name causes Doco some confusion -
thankfully this should be a very rare condition
Version 0.8
- Index page location can now be over-ridden
- .docoignore file in a directory means
- No index page generated
- Directory will not appear in any index page
- Time of generation is now reported in index pages
- Combinations of italics, bold now work (if you observe markup precedence)
- Headings trimmed to avoid invisible trailing whitespace (leading to confusing anchors)
- Table rows trimmed for trailing whitespace to avoid problems
- Markup now works in indented text blocks (previously hard spaces were preventing leading markup)
- The Doco version is now an Ant filter tag to avoid build version mismatches
- A bug with relative headings was rectified
Version 0.7
- Documentation rewritten and restyled
Version 0.6
- Bug with from/to mode fixed
- Doco now processes .txt files by default until told to do otherwise with the doco.sources variable
- <em> and <strong> tags have replaces <i> and <b>, respectively
- Bug with indexing and versioned documents fixed (was generating links to every vXXX)
- Char escaping now implemented. Example: "this is not" {a link}
- You can now style a word or word group with any available CSS class
- Link to Doco download area on SourceForge is now more prominent on the front page of the manual
- A bug was fixed regarding dollar signs in headings (raised because of CVS revision tags)
- A bug was fixed that prevented heading hyperlinks (where your heading is also a link to another document)
- Limited the table of contents to two levels (it was getting out of control)
- Fixed a bug where the table of contents was not getting generated for the printable version when the document was split
- Fixed a bug where two doctypes were being emitted in the printable version of a split document
- The manual output is now XHTML compliant after some extra tidying formatters were added
- New mode of operation: java -jar doco-0.6.jar -in <file> [-out <file>] (if no out file, writes to stdout)
Version 0.5
- Breadcrumbing can now be given a maximum depth (e.g. everything below level 2 does not have its own section)
- Doco indexes are now ALWAYS generated and overwritten on every invocation
- Doco indexes now include the (doco) content of the file 'description' in each directory, if it is present
- Doco indexes now include subdirectory descriptions, if present
- Added keystore, jar signing and JNLP basics for when the GUI matures
Version 0.4
- Multiline list elements now supported
- One can now represent ASCII art/diagrams in raw blocks
- An automatically generated index is now always generated to index.html if it does not exist
- Strikethroughs are now double hyphen
like this, not -"like this"-
Version 0.3
- Versioning now supported
- Snapshotting now supported
- Comments now supported
- Ability to preclude conversion now supported
- Custom mappings now supported
- Templating now supported
- File extensions to process are now customizable
- Documentation refactored
- Variable escapes now possible
- Debug mode for formatters (development only)
- Doco index page generation now supported
Version 0.2
- XHTML Compliant
- A lot faster
- Arbitrary depth list nesting now supported
- Distribution unit now smaller (no library jars)
- Table cell spanning now possible
- Jar now executable and should be used as-is
- Manual packaged with Jar
- Abandoned Web interface (WebStart version in the offing)
Version 0.1